Skills Development

We offer skills development via three methods: immersive workshops, professional development coaching, and advisory clinics.

Much thought leadership training focuses on “the process,” the recipe for a successful outcome, or on later-stage issues such as compelling writing and marketing strategy. To be sure, these are important topics but they leave too many crucial issues unaddressed. A focus on process can’t tell you if your idea is compelling; a focus on writing and marketing doesn’t address the validity of the research.

With our unique mix of expertise and experience, we think differently about what matters to leaders and their organizations.

Our Skills Development Services

Virtual or on-site training

Workshops that are immersive, team-based, and focused on learner participation and discovery.

What you’ll get:

  • Workshops that are carefully structured but built around the Socratic method of drawing learners to discover on their own through interaction with faculty, team members, and the entire “classroom.”

  • Workshops that are led by seasoned veterans whose hallmarks are enthusiasm, empathy, and experience. Beacon’s experts understand the pitfalls and the constraints as well as what success looks like.

What you won’t get:

  • Workshop leaders “talking at you,” with slide upon slide of “critical information.”

  • Workshops that purport to tell you the 5 or 10 or however many “key steps to producing successful thought leadership.”


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Professional development sessions for leaders seeking to build their capabilities and impact. Meet one-on-one with a Beacon expert to work on everything from idea discovery and development to experienced guidance on how to deliver high-impact presentations. We recognize that some of the most intractable challenges facing professional growth can involve organizational and team dynamics; we’ve encountered it all and can help you work through these issues.


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“Clinics” for teams and individuals who have already embarked on a thought leadership project. They may be in early-stage idea discovery, seeking to develop a thorough research plan, struggling to find what really matters in the research findings, writing up multiple drafts of an ever-growing report—or all of the above. We can talk with you, behind the scenes, offering the guidance you need to make it through each phase successfully.

Contact Us

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Reach out to us for more information or to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.