Partnering with you for high-impact thought leadership

Inspiring, executing, and enhancing thought-leadership strategy and outcomes

Beacon Thought Leadership

We help organizations craft powerful thought leadership on the topics that matter to leaders in business, government, and society.

Executives, policymakers and other leaders are increasingly required to have compelling and distinctive points of view on:

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The issues and trends that matter today and tomorrow.

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The implications for their organization and for society.

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The actions that are needed to shape the future in response.

As your partners in content creation and guides for skills development, Beacon’s experts bring deep experience to the tasks of inspiring, executing, and enhancing your thought leadership strategy and outcomes.

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We help you stay away from groupthink, identify the real problem you need to address, and develop a distinctive and compelling point of view.

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Our expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methods generates evidence-based insights and provides robust, actionable recommendations.

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Our experts work with you to shape and deliver compelling messages to a variety of audiences, through different channels, in writing and in speech.

Beacon Thought Leadership Agency

Thought leadership emerges from the powerful combination of imagination and rigorous research in the service of original, practical perspectives.

This is the art and science of thought leadership.

BEACON’S Services

We help you execute your thought leadership strategy — and also learn how to do it yourself more effectively.

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Content Creation

We have expertise in every phase of the thought leadership process and can help you create powerful content that changes minds and inspires action.

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Skills Development

To help you build essential thought leadership skills, we offer immersive workshops, professional development coaching, and advisory feedback clinics.

Our Clients

Our clients include organizations of all sizes in business, government, and society in need of distinctive points of view on issues and trends that matter today and in the future.

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We work with a wide range of professionals to help them develop compelling research-backed content and to build thought leadership capabilities and skills.

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Meet beacon’s Experts

A unique team of professionals with decades of experience in every aspect of thought leadership creation

Director — Editorial

Director — Learning

Director — Futures

Director — Tech & Economics

A selection of our published points of view

Mark Purdy

Mark Purdy

Harvard Business Review logo

How AI Can Help Leaders Make Better Decisions Under Pressure

Mark Purdy

Mark Purdy

The Straits Times Logo

AI: Rise of the Prompt Economy

Armen Ovanessoff

Armen Ovanessoff

Cambridge University Press logo

Private Entrepreneurs Can Elevate Public Innovations — But They also Need Better Governments

Dave Light

Dave Light

Ivey Business Journal logo

Fighting the Siren Song of Easy Technology Choices

Armen Ovanessoff

Armen Ovanessoff

MIT Sloan Management Review logo

Preparing for the Risky World of Extended Reality

Armen Ovanessoff

Armen Ovanessoff

World Economic Forum logo

Here’s Why Latin Americans Will Thrive in the Age of the Robots

Athena Peppes

Athena Peppes

Mark Purdy

Mark Purdy

The European Business Review logo

The Rise of the Imagination Economy

Dave Light

Dave Light

Stanford Social Innovation Review logo

The Hidden Pitfalls of Inclusive Innovation

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you.

Reach out to us for more information or to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.